
When Can Baby Color Complexion Settle in Stomach

Skin Res Technol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Nov i.

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PMCID: PMC5600644


Infant Skin Maturation: Preliminary Outcomes for Color and Biomechanical Backdrop

Marty O. Visscher, PhD,1, 4 Shoná A. Burkes, PhD,1, 2, 4 Denise M. Adams, Md,three, 4 Adrienne G. Hammill, Doc,3, iv and R. Randall Wickett, PhD2

Marty O. Visscher

oneSkin Sciences Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

ivCincinnati Children's Infirmary Medical Eye, Cincinnati, OH

Shoná A. Burkes

1Skin Sciences Program, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

2James Fifty. Winkle College of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

fourCincinnati Children'southward Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

Denise Yard. Adams

iiiHemangioma and Vascular Malformation Center, Cincinnati, OH

4Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Eye, Cincinnati, OH

Adrienne M. Hammill

threeHemangioma and Vascular Malformation Center, Cincinnati, OH

4Cincinnati Children'southward Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH

R. Randall Wickett

2James L. Winkle Higher of Pharmacy, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Supplementary Materials

Supp Table S1.

GUID: 0FB1BBA4-4261-4631-B4B0-D77B400BA752

Supp Table S2.

GUID: BC508742-E9D2-4131-A306-8282DC918352



Newborn baby skin changes after birth just studies take focused on the epidermal barrier. Dermal properties are relevant for intendance, merely literature on postnatal changes is sparse. We further characterized skin maturational changes in lightness, color and response to biomechanical stress.


Normal pare sites from subsets of participants in a trial on the progression and phase of infantile hemangiomas were retrospectively examined. Standardized photographs were analyzed as L*, a* and b* images. Biomechanics were measured with the Cutometer®.


Color changed significantly with increasing age. Peel was darker and redder at 2.0versus v.4, viii.5 and 12.8 months. Yellow color increased, with higher values at 12.viii versus ii.0, 3.5 and 5.4 months. Chest tissue was consistently more elastic than arm and confront sites, with significantly higher elasticity for the youngest and oldest age groups. Biological elasticity, rubberband recovery and total recovery were significantly greater for the oldest subjects. Viscoelasticity and rubberband deformation were lower at 5.5 versus eight.8 and 17.6 months. Arm viscoelastic creep was highest at 2.8 months.


Skin maturation continues into yr 2. Increasing elasticity and decreasing viscoelasticity may reverberate increased collagen structure/role. The findings take implications for prevention of skin injury associated with mechanical forces.

Keywords: pare, infant, lightness, reddish color, yellowish color, biomechanical properties, elasticity, deformation, rubberband recovery, objective measurement


Full term newborn infant peel has a thick epidermis, well-formed stratum corneum (SC), and low transepidermal water loss, indicating a highly effective barrier (1). Information technology undergoes maturational changes for months after nascency, including a rapid subtract and so increase in SC hydration, decreasing surface acidity with acid mantle development and appearance of functional cost-similar receptors (TRP3, during gestation and postnatally) for innate amnesty (two–5). Infant peel maturation studies have generally focused on epidermal barrier changes.

Objectively measured skin color differentiated disease severity in NICU patients. Infants of high severity had significantly lower b* values, i.e., more yellow colour, than less ill infants (6). Skin lightness over postnatal day 1 was highly correlated with gestational historic period (7). Yellow skin color was highly correlated to serum bilirubin amongst 2441 premature and total term infants and more reliable than visual assessment (viii).

Dermally based peel properties, such as tissue mechanics, colour, and pigmentation, are relevant for baby intendance. The microvasculature continues to evolve for near 4 months (9). The SC and epidermis are 30% and 20% thinner at 6 – 24 months versus adults, with no singled-out epidermal-dermal border (10). Surface dermatoglyphics are denser and dermal papillae more uniform. Premature baby dermis is deficient in structural proteins and hands torn (11). Repeated ischemia and reperfusion from mechanical trauma causes pressure level injuries. For instance, pressure related nasal trauma occurred in 42% of NICU patients using continuous positive airway pressure level and the risk was greater for infants < 32 weeks gestational age (12). Implementation of strategies to forbid pressure level injuries is a loftier priority in pediatric care.

Dermal fibrous collagen and elastin networks, epidermis and subcutaneous tissue give ascension to the biomechanical properties of skin. When measured with suction device and 6 mm probe, they are due to the dermis (thirteen). Holding ratios, such as biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), are thickness independent (14). In adults, biomechanical properties vary with body site and age (15–17). Elasticity decreased over 20 – 60 years, but was lower for 10 – 20 than twenty – 30 and xxx – 40 years (18). Biological elasticity, overall elasticity and full deformation decreased over time and site for twenty–29, 30–39, 40–49, l–59, 60–69, 70–85 years (19).

The literature on postnatal dermal changes is sparse, as most of the structural, histological and compositional research has been on fetal versus developed skin and non on newborns. Nosotros aimed to further narrate infant skin maturational changes in color and biomechanics via a descriptive, retrospective study on normal skin from information collected in a trial to assess the progression infantile hemangiomas (twenty–22). The parent trial: a) quantified hemangioma features of color, size, and volume and responses to thermal and mechanical stress, b) evaluated changes in hemangiomas over fourth dimension (age) and with treatment, c) compared quantitative measures to clinical state, and d) established a quantitative database for hemangiomas. Uninvolved contralateral pare sites were measurement controls. The control site data provides an opportunity to quantify changes over time, i.e., maturational effects, in normal baby pare. We report quantitative of skin lightness, colour, and response to mechanical stress over time using standardized digital imaging and biomechanical methods.



The study was conducted among two subsets of patients from the Hemangioma and Vascular Malformation Center enrolled in a trial to quantify the progression of infantile hemangiomas over fourth dimension and relative to clinical stage (20–22). The Institutional Review Board approved the protocol and parents/guardians provided written informed consent.

Experimental Design

Per the parent trial, subjects had peel evaluations at scheduled dispensary visits, typically every 1–ii weeks to establish therapeutic dose, and so every i–2 months followed by longer intervals. Uninvolved skin sites contralateral to the hemangioma were examined.

Color Imaging and Assay

Subjects acclimated to room weather for at to the lowest degree 15 minutes and were maintained in a at-home state. Loftier resolution digital color images were nerveless at thirty cm perpendicular to the contralateral uninvolved peel site (Nikon D90 12.3 megapixels, Micro Nikkor 60-mm lens, cantankerous polarization, and Nikon R1 Wireless Shut-Up flash, Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Nippon) (23). Images were taken with standardized weather condition (lighting, subject position), at a fixed distance, and with polarized low-cal (24) and standardized for white residuum and color (23). Images were colour corrected (Macbeth colour menu), converted from RGB (to CIELab color space, and separated into Fifty* (dark-light), a* (dark-green-cherry) and b* (blueish-yellow) channel images (ImageJ, NIH, Washington, DC, U.s.a.) (23). Mean lightness, ruby-red color and xanthous colour values were reported on 0 – 255 intensity scales.

Biomechanical Properties

Biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), overall elasticity (Ua/Uf), cyberspace elasticity (Ur/Ue), viscoelasticity (Uv/Ue), rubberband recovery (Ur), residual deformation (R), total recovery (Ua), viscoelastic creep (Uv), elastic deformation (Ue), and full deformation (Uf) were measured with a Cutometer® 575 (Backbone & Khazaka electronic GmbH, Koln, Deutschland), half dozen-mm probe discontinuity, 2 second 200 mbar negative pressure and ii 2d relaxation.

Statistical Analysis

Pare lightness, red color, and yellowish color were analyzed over five fourth dimension points (mean age at evaluation) with univariate general linear models (GLM) with p < 0.05 (SPSS v21, SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL) with regards to handling. Biomechanical properties were evaluated in ii ways: (1) by body site, with treatment and/or age in the model and (2) over time (hateful age at evaluation) by body site. Mail service-hoc pairwise comparisons were made using the least pregnant difference. The relationships between tissue properties and age were examined with correlation methods.



For hemangioma trial subjects (north = 119), the number of clinic visits (measurement sessions) varied with treatment plan. The youngest subjects with multiple visits were selected to fairly assess maturational changes. The sites, dictated past the hemangioma locations, were breast, leg, arm, back and face.

Skin Color – Furnishings Over Time

Peel colour over time was evaluated for 16 subjects and 21 sites, with a median of four visits per subject field (range 2–5) to generate 79 color measurements. Mean ages were 2.0 ± 0.5 months at visit 1 to 12.8 ± months at visit five (Table i). There were 12 females and 4 males, reflecting the female person-predominant occurrence of hemangiomas (25). The majority (n = 13) received oral propranolol, one had topical timolol and two were untreated.

Table 1

Demographic Characteristics: Colour Features by Age at Visit

Visit Number of Evaluations Age (Months)
Mean ±SD
1 21 ii.0 ± 0.05
2 18 3.five ± 0.06
3 17 v.iv ± 0.05
iv 13 8.v ± 1.0
five ten 12.8 ± ii.1
Total 79 ---

Pare lightness (L) increased, scarlet color (a*) decreased, and yellow color (b*) increased, i.e., bluish color decreased. The skin was lighter at 12.eight versus 2.0 and three.five months and at 5.4 and 8.five versus ii.0 months (F = iii.6, p = 0.009) (Figure 1a). Scarlet color was higher at 2.0 months than any other time and college at 2.0 and iii.5 versus 12.eight months (F = 5.6, p = 0.001) (Effigy 1b). Yellow color was lower at two.0 and 3.5 versus 5.4 and 12.8 months and lower at 5.4 than 12.8 months (F = 9.2, p < 0.001) (Figure 1c).

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Skin Color by Age Grouping

L values were higher, indicating lighter skin, at 12.8 versus 2.0 and iii.5 months and at 5.4 and viii.five versus two.0 months (F = iii.six, p = 0.009) (Effigy 1a). Ruddy color was higher at 2.0 months than any other fourth dimension and higher at 2.0 and iii.5 versus 12.eight months (F = 5.half dozen, p = 0.001) (Effigy 1b). Yellow colour was lower at two.0 and 3.five versus 5.4 and 12.eight months and lower at 5.iv than 12.viii months (F = 9.ii, p < 0.001) (Figure 1c).

Biomechanical Properties

Subjects and Analysis Strategy

Biomechanical properties could not be adamant at every visit due to subject area intolerance of the procedure on occasion. Subjects with a least 2 visits were included. There were 28 subjects and 31 sites with iii visits per subject field (median, range 2–6) yielding 98 evaluations. There were eighteen females and 10 males. 18 received propranolol, 3 had timolol and 7 were untreated.

Initially, the event of trunk site was adamant using all evaluations and age equally a covariate (GLM). The sites differed significantly (p < 0.05) for biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), overall elasticity (Ua/Uf), internet elasticity (Ur/Ue), elastic recovery (Ur), and total recovery (Ua) (information non shown). As pairwise comparisons showed no differences for (a) breast versus leg and (b) arm versus back, site data were combined.

The information were grouped by age at assessment, originally into five categories to marshal with ages for the color evaluations. Due to limited observations for the youngest group (less than 3 months), the data were distributed in iv groups. Mean ages were iii.1 ± 0.9 months (youngest) to 16.6 ± 3.4 months (oldest group) (Tabular array two). As expected from the study design, sample sizes varied past site and age group (Tabular array ii).

Table 2

Hateful Group Ages and Number of Evaluations by Body Site

Group Age in Months
hateful ± SD (range)
Chest Arm Face Total past Age
one 3.1 ± 0.9 (i.5 – 4.3) 6 18 8 32
2 5.5 ± 0.6 (4.6 – six.8) 8 9 viii 25
3 8.8 ± ane.6 (7.0 – 12.1) 12 12 4 28
4 16.6 ± iii.4 (12.6 – 22.0) 5 3 five 13
Total by Site ---- 31 42 25 98

Effect of Site by Age Group

Biomechanical properties differed by site (Supplementary Table ane). (1) At 3.1 months, biological elasticity (Ur/Uf) was significantly higher for chest versus arm and face up (Figure 2a). Net elasticity (UrUe) and elastic recovery (Ur) were higher for chest versus face. Viscoselasticity (Uv/Ue) and viscoelastic creep (Uv) were higher for arm than confront. (ii) Chest, arm and face sites were not unlike at 5.v months. (3) Total recovery (Ua) at 8.8 months was college for breast than arm and face (Figure 2b) while elastic recovery (Ur), rubberband deformation (Ue) and full deformation (Uf) were college for breast versus arm. (4) For 16.6 months, total recovery (Ua) differed significantly for all sites, i.e., highest for chest and lowest for face (Figure 2b). Biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), net elasticity (Ur/Ue), and elastic recovery (Ur) were higher for chest than arm and face. Overall elasticity (Ua/Uf) was college at both chest and arm than face. Elastic (Ue) and full (Uf) deformation were higher at chest versus face up.

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Biomechanical Properties for Skin Sites past Mean Group Age.

Fig 2a. Biological elasticity (Ur/Uf) was significantly higher at the breast versus arm and face at three.ane and 16.6 months. # Indicates significantly higher biological elasticity for chest versus arm and face sites. Fig 2b. Total recovery (Ua) was significantly college for chest versus face at 8.viii months. All sites differed at 16.six months with the highest values for chest and lowest for face. b. *Indicates all sites unlike . # Indicates significantly higher biological elasticity for chest versus arm and face sites.

Effect of Age by Site

Biomechanical properties differed significantly with age (Supplementary Table 2). (1) For breast sites, biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), elastic recovery (Ur) and full recovery (Ua) were significantly college at 16.6 months versus 3.1, v.five and 8.viii months. Viscoelasticity (Uv/Ue) was college at 5.5 than, 8.8 and sixteen.half-dozen months. Elastic deformation (Ue) was lower at 5.five than 16.6 months. (ii) For arm sites, just viscoelastic creep (Uv) differed significantly, with lower values at 5.5 and 8.viii months versus 3.i months. (3) Face up site biomechanical properties did non vary with age.

Moderate, significant positive correlations were found with age for chest site elastic recovery (Ur) (Figure three), biological elasticity (Ur/Uf), total recovery (Ua), elastic deformation (Ue), net elasticity (Ur/Ue) and total deformation (Uf) (Table three). Age correlated negatively to viscoelastic creep (Uv) for arm sites.

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Chest Site Elastic Recovery Versus Historic period.

Moderate, pregnant positive correlations were found with age and some of the biomechanical properties. The relationship for chest site elastic recovery (Ur) is shown hither.

Tabular array 3

Age correlations with skin biomechanical backdrop

Parameter Site r p-value due north
Elastic recovery Ur Chest 0.58 0.001 31
Total recovery Ua Chest 0.50 0.004 31
Biological elasticity Ur/Uf Breast 0.50 0.004 31
Elastic deformation Ue Chest 0.49 0.005 31
Full deformation Uf Chest 0.44 0.014 31
Net elasticity Ur/Ue Chest 0.40 0.025 31
Viscoelastic creep Uv Arm -0.56 < 0.001 42


Newborn infants rely on their skin to provide structural integrity, resistance to mechanical trauma, thermal regulation, and sensory transduction, amid other functions. The written report results demonstrate functional pare maturation during neonatal and young infancy, standing into the second twelvemonth. To our knowledge, this is the commencement study describing changes in skin color and biomechanics over the first years of life.

Nosotros retrospectively examined normal sites among a subset of infants aged 1.3 to 16.nine months from a clinical trial to quantify hemangioma progression and clinically adamant stage (20). Infants had darker skin at 2.0 months than at 5.4, 8.5 and 12.8 months (Figure 1a). Red colour was higher at 2.0 months than whatever other time (Effigy 1b). Yellow colour increased, with higher values at 12.eight versus 2.0, 3.5 and v.4 months (Figure 1c).

Previous reports indicated varying skin colour over 25–44 weeks gestational age. The dark red color in premature infants was attributed to blood and vasculature visible through sparse, translucent skin, changing to pink equally thickness increased (26). Pigmentation decreased as gestational age increased from 37 to 42 weeks (27). Farther increases over postnatal days 25–75 were observed only in African American premature infants (28). Ultraviolet-induced pigmentation was very low for 6 – 24 month infants during their start summer but significantly higher a year later, suggesting darkening over the flow (29). Hemoglobin was not measured, merely levels are by and large constant for our historic period range (xxx) and non likely a cause of college redness at ii months. By confocal light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation scanning microscopy, infant skin had an intricate microvasculature network iv–7 days afterward birth that was progressively farther from the pare surface over 1, three and 6 months (31). Vasculature closer to the peel surface may account for the higher red color at 2.0 months.

Tissue response to mechanical stress varied significantly with body site. Chest tissue was consistently more elastic than arm and confront sites and significantly higher for the youngest and oldest historic period groups (Figure 2, Table 3, Supplementary Table ane, ii). Our college Ur/Uf for chest versus arm and face up are mostly consistent with reports for adults, i.e., higher at abdomen, thigh and upper arm versus back and lowest at forehead (16, 19). However, Ur/Uf was significantly lower in older versus younger adults at forearm and back (16). Elasticity was significantly college at chest sites versus forearm, hand and finger in normal adults (32). Significantly higher elasticity, viscoleasticity and extensibility occurred in females aged 25–64 years for the neck versus cheek and forearm (ventral) (33). Elasticity was related (negatively) to historic period for the neck only.

We observed significant effects of historic period group, especially for the chest, with greater biological elasticity (Figure 2a), elastic recovery and full recovery (Effigy 2b) for the oldest subjects. In contrast, viscoelasticity and elastic deformation were lower for the younger grouping at 5.5 compared to 8.8 and 17.half dozen months (Supplementary Tabular array 2). The arm site reflected less rubberband skin, i.eastward., greater viscoelastic creep, for the youngest infants at 2.8 months versus those of 5.5 and 9.iii months (Supplementary Table 2).

Collectively, the findings suggest that baby skin becomes more than elastic by the second year and is more than viscoelastic in early infants, i.e., first 3–four months. However, body site significantly influences tissue biomechanics. The generally college values for the breast permitted differentiation with historic period. Comparative studies are thin equally previous reports have largely focused on older subjects. Our results are consistent with a written report of significantly greater skin elongation/extensibility in infants (< 12 months) than any other age group, i.due east., 1–ii, iii–v, 6–8, ix–xi, 12–14, 15–19, xx–29, 30–40 and > 50 years (34). The pare tension/extension ratio decreased initially from ~ ii – 10 years, with lowest values for fifteen – 25 years, then increased (ii – 67 years) (35). Skin thickness at the shoulder (deltoid) increased from one.six mm at 2 months to i.84 mm at half-dozen months (36). By confocal microscopy, dermal papillae were non visible at 4–vii days but developed during the beginning three months, suggesting a more complex dermal structure (31). Our increases in chest Ur, Ua, and Ue and reduction in arm Uv with increasing historic period may exist impacted by maturational changes in skin thickness and structure.

Our increases in biological elasticity (Ur/Uf) may reflect elevation in collagen, since the reported changes in reticular collagen parallel the alterations in Ur/Uf. Neonatal dermis is "between" fetal and adult for fiber bundle thickness, size and composition (37). Less structured fetal/neonatal dermis has college jail cell differentiation and higher turnover rate than adults (38). Low full collagen is sustained for 10–15 postnatal days (rat model), suggesting persistence of fetal forms (39). Fibrous connective tissue is produced in large quantities after nascence (40). Collagen increases quickly from nativity to month two, further to one yr and decreases by 2 years (41). Babe collagen bundles are less dumbo than adults (42). During development and activity, mechanical forces experienced by the skin are converted to biochemical reactions via mechanotransduction (43). Mechanical stress increases dermal collagen fibril bore and decreases fibril density versus not-stressed peel without irresolute dermal thickness (44). It is possible that mechanotransduction facilitates dermal maturation postnatally.

Nearly 80% of the NICU pressure level injuries were due to pressure from medical devices and occurred four–6 weeks later admission, i.eastward. in ages comparable to our youngest subjects (45). The reduced biological elasticity, elastic recovery, and total recovery in the youngest subjects may prevent restoration from repeated pressure cycles and thereby increment pressure injury adventure. The in vivo biomechanical information from this written report may heighten finite element models for device-related stress since current models are from animal measurements due to lack of human being information (46).

Specific features of this study were noteworthy, as they emphasize potential limitations. The frequency and fourth dimension between evaluations were non standardized, i.east., dictated by treatment plan versus consistent intervals. This variation necessitated nomenclature into historic period strata to assess effects over time. Consequently, the groups were equanimous of different private subjects. Hemangioma treatment effects on uninvolved sites are unknown, therefore, it was included in the statistical model. Furthermore, location of the skin sites varied past age and number of evaluations. We analyzed the data in ii ways in an try to command for site and age. Nosotros were unable to mensurate pare thickness. Noninvasive characterization of skin thickness, composition and construction, e.g., confocal microscopy is warranted to fully explain the observed maturational changes in thickness-dependent properties, i.eastward., Uf, R, Ua, Ur, Ue, and Uv.

Nevertheless, the biomechanical response to stress, coupled with quantitation of peel lightness, red colour and xanthous colour, extend previous reports that infant skin undergoes significant development well after birth. Though preliminary, the findings suggest that pare elasticity increases over the first years of life, may go on to increase until immature machismo and then decreases over time. The results have implications for skin care, particularly for hospitalized infants or those requiring treatment of cutaneous lesions. Previous reports showed that color (erythema) differences betwixt capillary malformations, i.e., port wine stains, and normal pare predicted the treatment effectiveness and could guide treatment planning (47). Lower biological elasticity has implications for prevention and reduction of skin damage associated with mechanical forces, due east.chiliad. pressure injury from medical devices (48).

Supplementary Textile

Supp Table S1

Supp Table S2


This research was funded by the Society of Pediatric Dermatology, American Foundation of Pharmaceutical Didactics Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Eye for Clinical & Translational Science & Training, and Imaging Research Center. The project was supported by the National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through Grant 8 UL1 TR000077-05. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does non necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.



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